Rolf David

Theoretical Chemist

About Me

  • Reactivity: mechanism, thermodynamics & kinetics
  • Condensed phase & Interfaces (Solid Liquid/Liquid-Gas)
  • Solvent / Solutes / Ions interactions
  • Spectroscopies (IR, vSFG)
  • Dialogue theory experience in the field of reactivity and spectroscopy
  • Machine Learning for Chemistry (Neural Network-based reactive Force-Fields (NNP) & generation of data)
  • Main instigator of the ArcaNN project
  • Enhanced Sampling & Free Energy Calculations
  • Code development (Analysis, spectroscopy, AI)
  • Transition Path Sampling (TPS)
  • Density Functional Theory (DFT)
  • Molecular Dynamics (MD)
  • Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM)

Research Experiences

Post-doctoral researcher

École Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres (Paris, France) Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (Paris, France)

November 2022 - July 2024 (21 months)

Laboratoire Pasteur - Pôle Théorie

Development and uses of Machine Learning for Reactivity

Previously at the Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique

Supervisor: Dr. Guillaume Stirnemann

  • Study of phosphoester bond formation in aqueous media
  • Use of AI for the design of reaction coordinates for complex reactivity
  • Combined use of NNP and TPS to study reactive mechanisms
  • Development of machine learning programs/codes

Post-doctoral researcher

École Normale Supérieure - Paris Sciences et Lettres (Paris, France)

January 2021 - September 2022 (21 months)

Laboratoire Pasteur - Pôle Théorie

Simulation of prebiotic chemical reactions catalyzed by aqueous aerosols

Supervisor: Dr. Damien Laage

  • Study of peptide bond formation in bulk water and at the air-water interface
  • Study of acidity difference between bulk water and air-water interface
  • Development of Combined use of NNP and TPS to study reactive mechanisms
  • Development of machine learning and interfaces programs/codes

Post-doctoral researcher

Louisiana State University (Baton-Rouge, USA)

2018-2020 (3 years)

Departement of Chemistry - Kumar's Group

Interfaces solid-liquid and their properties: spectroscopy & reactivity

Supervisor: Pr. Revati Kumar

  • Study of the graphene oxide and its properties/reactivity in aqueous media and its spectroscopic signatures (vSFG)
  • Study of peptoids in aqueous media and their micellar structures
  • Study of ion pairing in HCl-water clusters
  • Study of electrolytes in glymes and their non-vehicular diffusion
  • Development of codes for analysis/spectroscopy of sold/liquid and air/water interfaces and new force-fields

PhD student

Université Grenoble-Alpes (Grenoble, France)

2014-2017 (3 years)

Département de Chimie Moleculaire

Protonation pathways and reactivity of metalloenzymes

Also with the Laboratoire Chimie et Biologie des Métaux

Supervisors: Pr. Anne Milet, Dr. Yohann Moreau

  • Study of a protonation step and reactivity of a metalloenzyme using QM/MM
  • Study of transition metal complexes for catalysis
  • Use of hybrid-DFT/MM and metadynamics

Awards & Distinctions

  • Discussion Leader of the GRS session Chemistry and Physics of Liquids, Holderness, US, August 3-4th 2019
  • Chairman of a PHYS session at the 257th ACS National Meeting “Chemistry for New Frontiers”, Orlando, US, March/April 31-4th, 2019
  • Invited talk at the 257th ACS National Meeting “Chemistry for New Frontiers”, Orlando, US, March/April 31-4th, 2019
  • 1st prize poster at Journée de printemps SCF Rhône-Alpes 2016, Grenoble, FR, June 9th, 2016
  • 1st prize poster at the 7th Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules, Prague, CZ, September 14-18th, 2015

Scientific Production

Publications (21 with 6 as first author and 2 in preparation as corresponding author/first author)

P1. David, R.*; de la Puente, M.; Gomez, A.; Anton, O.; Stirnemann, G.; Laage, D. ArcaNN: automated enhanced sampling generation of training sets for chemically reactive machine learning interatomic potentials. Submitted.


P2. Golam, A.; Milet, A.; David, R.*; Kumar, R.* From Graphene Oxide to Graphene: Changes in Interfacial Water Structure and Reactivity. Submitted.

P3. David, R.; Tuñón, I.; Laage, D.* Competing Reaction Mechanisms of Peptide Bond Formation in Water Revealed by Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics and Path Sampling. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146 (20), 14213–14224.


P4. Gomez, A.†; de la Puente, M.†; David, R.; Laage, D.* Neural network potentials for exploring condensed phase chemical reactivity. C. R. Chim. 2024. († contributed equally)


P5. Benayad, Z.†; David, R.†; Stirnemann G.* Prebiotic Chemical Reactivity in Solution with Quantum Accuracy and Microsecond Sampling Using Neural Network Potentials. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2024, 121 (23), e2322040121. († contributed equally)


P6. Subasinghege Don, V.; Kim, L.; David, R.; Nauman, J. A.; Kumar, R.* Adsorption Studies at the Graphene Oxide – Liquid Interface: A Molecular Dynamics Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127, 5920−5930

P7. Tsai, E.; Gallage Dona, H. K.; Tong, X.; Du, P.; Novak, B.; David, R.; Rick, S. W.; Zhang, D.; Kumar, R.* Unraveling the Role of Charge Patterning in the Micellar Structure of Sequence-Defined Amphiphilic Peptoid Oligomers by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Macromolecules 2022, 55 (12), 5197–5212

P8. de la Puente, M.; David, R.; Gomez, A.; Laage, D.* Acids at the Edge: Why Nitric and Formic Acid Dissociations at Air–Water Interfaces Depend on Depth and on Interface Specific Area. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144 (23), 10524–10529.

P9. Sun, L.; Adam, S. M.; Mokdad, W.; David, R.; Milet, A.; Artero, V.*; Duboc, C.* A Bio-Inspired Heterodinuclear CoFe Complex of the Hydrogenases. Faraday Discuss. 2022 234, 34–41.

P10. David, R.; Kumar, R.* Reactive Events at the Graphene Oxide–Water Interface. Chem. Commun. 2021, 57 (88), 11697–11700.

P11. Li, K.; Subasinghege Don, V.; Gupta, C. S.; David, R.; Kumar, R.* Effect of Anion Identity on Ion Association and Dynamics of Sodium Ions in Non-Aqueous Glyme Based Electrolytes—OTf vs TFSI. J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 154 (18), 184505

P12. David, R.; Tuladhar, A.*; Zhang, L.; Arges, C.; Kumar, R.* Effect of Oxidation Level on the Interfacial Water at the Graphene Oxide–Water Interface: From Spectroscopic Signatures to Hydrogen-Bonding Environment. J. Phys. Chem. B 2020, 124 (37), 8167–8178.

P13. Bresnahan, C. G.; David, R.; Milet, A.; Kumar, R.* Ion Pairing in HCl–Water Clusters: From Electronic Structure Investigations to Multiconfigurational Force-Field Development. J. Phys. Chem. A 2019, 123 (43), 9371–9381.

P14. Subasinghege Don, V.†; David, R.†; Du, P.; Milet, A.; Kumar, R.* Interfacial Water at Graphene Oxide Surface: Ordered or Disordered? J. Phys. Chem. B 2019, 123 (7), 1636–1649. († contributed equally)

P15. Isaac, J. A.; Mansour, A.-T.; David, R.; Kochem, A.; Philouze, C.; Demeshko, S.; Meyer, F.; Réglier, M.; Simaan, A. J.; Caldarelli, S.; Yemloul, M.; Jamet, H.; Thibon-Pourret, A.; Belle, C.* Tetranuclear and Dinuclear Phenoxido Bridged Copper Complexes Based on Unsymmetrical Thiosemicarbazone Ligands. Dalt. Trans. 2018, 47 (29), 9665–9676.

P16. Thibon-Pourret, A.*; Gennarini, F.; David, R.; Isaac, J. A.; Lopez, I.; Gellon, G.; Molton, F.; Wojcik, L.; Philouze, C.; Flot, D.; Le Mest, Y.; Réglier, M.; Le Poul, N.; Jamet, H.; Belle, C. Effect of Monoelectronic Oxidation of an Unsymmetrical Phenoxido-Hydroxido Bridged Dicopper(II) Complex. Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57 (19), 12364–12375.

P17. David, R.; Jamet, H.; Nivière, V.; Moreau, Y.; Milet, A.* Iron Hydroperoxide Intermediate in Superoxide Reductase: Protonation or Dissociation First? MM Dynamics and QM/MM Metadynamics Study. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2017, 13 (6), 2987–3004.

P18. Gennarini, F.; David, R.; López, I.; Le Mest, Y.; Réglier, M.; Belle, C.; Thibon-Pourret, A.; Jamet, H.*; Le Poul, N.* Influence of Asymmetry on the Redox Properties of Phenoxo- and Hydroxo-Bridged Dicopper Complexes: Spectroelectrochemical and Theoretical Studies. Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56 (14), 7707–7719.

P19. Lalaoui, N.; David, R.; Jamet, H.; Holzinger, M.; Le Goff, A.*; Cosnier, S. Hosting Adamantane in the Substrate Pocket of Laccase: Direct Bioelectrocatalytic Reduction of O2on Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes. ACS Catal. 2016, 6 (7), 4259–4264.

P20. Isaac, J. A.; Gennarini, F.; López, I.; Thibon-Pourret, A.; David, R.; Gellon, G.; Gennaro, B.; Philouze, C.; Meyer, F.; Demeshko, S.; Le Mest, Y.; Réglier, M.; Jamet, H.; Le Poul, N.*; Belle, C.* Room-Temperature Characterization of a Mixed-Valent μ-Hydroxodicopper(II,III) Complex. Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55 (17), 8263–8266.

P21. Rao, K. V. R.; Caiveau, N.; David, R.; Shalayel, I.; Milet, A.; Vallée, Y.* Theoretical Study, Synthesis, and Reactivity of Five-Membered-Ring Acyl Sulfonium Cations. European J. Org. Chem. 2015, 2015 (28), 6125–6129.

Oral Communications (12 with three invited talks)

T1. “Streamlining the training and the chemical space exploration of neural network potential based force-fields” at: ACS National Meeting “Many Flavors of Chemistry”, New Orleans, US, March 17-21st, 2024

T2. “Combining the power of Neural Network Potentials with Transition Path Sampling to study complex chemical processes” at: Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique - IBPC, Paris, FR, March 7th, 2024 (invited talk)

T3. “Combining the power of Neural Network Potentials with Transition Path Sampling to study complex chemical processes” at: Statistical Thermodynamics & Molecular Simulations Seminar Series, Virtual, February 23rd, 2024 (invited talk)

T4. “L’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pour la réactivité en chimie” at: Journée CECIC (Local Chemistry-HPC community), Grenoble, FR, July 13th, 2023 (invited talk)

T5. “Reactivity of graphene oxide in aqueous media” at TSRC “Interfacial Molecular and Electronic Structure and Dynamics”, Virtual, June 15-19th, 2020

T6. “Computational studies of an acidic proton at the graphene oxide ‑ water interface” at 257th ACS National Meeting “Chemistry for New Frontiers”, Orlando, US, March/April 31/4th, 2019 (invited talk + chaired a session of the physical chemistry section)

T7. “Mutations on the superoxide reductase: A theoretical study of the 2nd coordination sphere and formation of an oxo-iron” at 255th ACS National Meeting “Nexus of Food, Energy & Water”, New Orleans, US, March 18-22nd, 2018

T8. “Formation of H2O2 in Superoxide Reductase: Protonation or Dissociation First?” at CIMENT (Regional HPC community) Users day, Grenoble, FR, June 1st, 2017

T9. “Formation of H2O2 in Superoxide Reductase: Protonation or Dissociation First?” at Event LABEX ARCANE, Grenoble, FR, October 18th, 2016

T10. “Understanding the formation of H2O2 in superoxide reductase: A metadynamic QM/MM study” at 15th Rencontres de Chimistes Théoriciens Francophones, Lyon, FR, June/July 27-1st, 2016

T11. “Understanding the formation of H2O2 in superoxide reductase: A metadynamic QM/MM study” at 9th Journée de Chimie de Coordination en Rhône-Alpes, Grenoble, FR, April 7th, 2016

T12. “Understanding the formation of H2O2 in superoxide reductase: A metadynamic QM/MM study” at 251st ACS National Meeting “Computers in Chemistry”, San Diego, US, March 14-17th, 2016

Poster Communications (9 with 2 winning prize)

Po1. “Role of environment in the abiotic peptide bond formation” at 17th Rencontres de Chimistes Théoriciens Francophones, Bordeaux, FR, June/July 27-1st, 2022

Po2. “Role of environment in the abiotic peptide bond formation” at Journées GDR SolvATE 2022, Paris, FR, May 30-31st, 2022

Po3. “Simulations of the graphene oxide water interface: hydrogen bonding and spectroscopy” at Journées “Théorie, Modélisation et Simulation 2020”, Virtual, FR, November 2-6th, 2020

Po4. “Reactivity at the graphene-oxide – acidic aqueous solution interface” at 6th Annual International LSU Research Fair, Baton Rouge, US, November 20th, 2019

Po5. “Reactivity at the graphene-oxide – acidic aqueous solution interface” at 27th Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, Jackson, US, November 8-9th, 2019

Po6. “Reactivity at the graphene-oxide – acidic aqueous solution interface” at GRS/GRC “Chemistry and Physics of Liquids”, Holderness, US, August 3-9th, 2019

Po7. “Understanding the formation of hydrogen peroxide in superoxide reductase: a QM/MM study” at Journée de printemps SCF Rhône-Alpes 2016, Grenoble, FR, June 9th, 2016 (Poster won first prize)

Po8. “Understanding the formation of hydrogen peroxide in superoxide reductase: a QM/MM study” at 10th Journée Scientifique de l’IMBG, Autrans, FR, May 19-20th, 2016

Po9. “Understanding the formation of hydrogen peroxide in superoxide reductase: a QM/MM study” at 7th Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules, Prague, CZ, September 14-18th, 2015 (Poster won first prize)